Usual openings:
5 card major (13 pts or better, except 3rd seated
might bid on 11 or 12 pt hand with good spades)
Convenient minor (13 pts or better, no 5 card major,
bid longer of 2 minors)
1 NT for 15-17 pts balanced hand, no singleton,
no 5 card major, possible 5 card minor.
2 NT for 21-22 pts balanced hand, no singleton,
no 5 card major, possible 5 card minor.
Unusual openings:
Strong 2 (20+ pts). Forcing; rebid even if
<6 pts.
Weak 3 (8 or less, 7 card or better). Probably
no rebid unless you have 13+ pts and 3+ cards including honors in my suit.
Usual responses:
simple raise by 1, same suit, 6-9 pts
limit raise by 2, same suit, 10-12 pts
change suit at 1 level 6+ pts
change suit at 2 level 10+ pts
jump shift 13+ pts
1 NT responses:
3NT: if 10+ pts and fairly balanced hand with stoppers
in majors/opp's bid suits. Denies a 5 card major.
2NT: exactly 9 pt hand, fairly balanced with stoppers
in majors/opp's bid suits. Denies a 5 card major.
Jacobi transfer: 2D or 2H response
to 1NT opening, says I want you to bid one suit higher, and I promise 5
card support and 8+ pts
Stayman: 2C response to 1NT opening,
weaker than Jacobi, says I promise 4 card support in 1 or both majors,
and 6+ pts, you respond with 1H or 1S to suggest a 4 card major, or 1D
to deny a 4 card major.
Simple overcall may be light, 8+ pts, 4 cards, suggesting
a lead suit as well as a potential fit
Jump overcall promises 13+ pts, 5 cards (opening
1NT overcall promises same as 1NT opener.
May occasionally do weak jump overcall for 7+ card
suit that I would normally open weak 3, especially if I am void or singleton
in opponent's bid suit.
Other conventions:
Blackwood - After a suit with a fit has been found,
4NT asking for aces. 5C for 0 or 4, 5D for 1, 5H for 2, 5S for 3.
5NT asking for kings, same convention.
Gerber - Like Blackwood, but only used when No Trump
is the preferred contract, so 4C following 3NT asks for aces, 4D=1, 4H=2,
4S=3, 4NT=0 or 4. Then 5C asks for kings, same convention.
And perhaps 6C asks for queens to decide between small slam and grand slam.
Takeout double - a first round double indicates,
roughly "I'm fairly strong in every suit but what has been bid so far"